Voting ads and their ilk heating up

All sorts of ads related to the upcoming US election are hitting the airwaves and the net. has engaged documentary film maker Errol Morris to convince you to switch, better known to some adgrunts as the man behind the patented Interrotron device and the apple Switch ads, he shot over 60 different people who voted for Bush in the last election but will vote for Kerry in this one.
David la Chapelle encourages young voters to "declare yourself" with the help of a few stars, and a series of ads that spoof makeup ads and dog food commercials but with a sicker twist at the end.
Even Burger King are telling Americans to "have it your way" by enlisting Snoop Dogg to tell it like it is.

Meanwhile the sexy soft spoken sultresses over at win hands down for the best use of "You forgot Poland". (Thanks for that one Leslie)

Declare Yourself - Vanity
Declare Yourself - Dog Food
Declare Yourself - Phat Ride

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claymore's picture

Superadgrunts, the Adland commercial archive has an additional bunch of get-off-your-ass-and-vote spots - use the following phrases in the search thingy to find them... "Voto Latino" "Citizen Change" "Rock the Vote" "Choose or Lose" Burger King's "Have it Your way '04" and my favorite... Comedy Central did a big batch of "Declare Yourself" spots directed by Kevin Smith with Ben Affleck, Sarah Silverman Larry David, Wanda Sykes, David Cross, Amy Poehler, Jay & Silent Bob, Adam Brody, Ray Romano, Molly Shannon and Zach Braff. Check 'em out. Fabu.

Dabitch's picture

Thanks Claymore. Too many to link. Maybe not... here's three. :)
Voto Latino, Rosario Dawson - Voto Latino - John Leguizamo - Voto Latino - Fat Joe

amoeba's picture

The LieGirls are great. Like something from SNL back when it was funny.

greenstein's picture

Here are a few more voting print ads from Do-it-yourself Democracy. Past the cool intro, you'll find downloadable posters: