VW - Punch Dub TEASER (2010) :13 (USA)

The Super Bowl spot introduces new campaign for Das Auto around the iconic Beetle/Bug, minus the talking car by Deutsch, LA. "Punch Dub" campaign is an update on the Punch Buggy game. The ad, which includes a special cameo by actor and comedian Tracy Morgan, will show a variety of people in different driving situations gently slugging others in the arm every time they spot a Routan, Tiguan, CC or any other Volkswagen model. Directed by Frank Todaro of Moxie Pictures and edited by Russell Icke of The Whitehouse.

Agency: Deutsch, LA.
Cameo: Tracy Morgan,
Production Co: Moxie Pictures
Director: Frank Todaro
Edit House: The Whitehouse
Editor: Russel Icke

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