VW / Volkswagen - Marvelous Machine - (2012) :30 (South Africa)

I had no idea that VW made pickup trucks. Sneaky sneaky pickup trucks that silently and nimbly roll into museums, only to park in front of a giant human evolution billboard. Yes it could be a nod to that famous DDB ad, but then again it could just be a nod to a thousand evolution puns already done with the VW brand. Either way Keith Rose of Velocity Films found the perfect soundtrack to take this from a little sneaky to quirky & cheeky.


Title: “Marvelous Machine”

Client: VW - Amarok

Length: 60”

First Air Date: 15 September 2012

Country of Origin: South Africa

Country of Broadcast: South Africa

Agency Info:

Agency & City: Ogilvy - Cape Town

Executive Creative Director: Chris Gotz

Creative Director: Jacques Massardo

Agency Producer: Iris Vinnicombe

Production Company Info:

Production Company: Velocity Films

Director: Keith Rose

Producer: Grant Davies

Director Of Photography: Peter Tischauser

Art Director: Leon Morland

Post-Production Info:

Editor & Company: Ricky Boyd - Deliverance Post Production

Visual Effects: Searle Street Post

Music Company/Composer/Sound: Pulse Music - NY

Post Production Offline: Searle Street Post

Post Production Online: Searle Street Post

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