Evian's app makes music from your twitter timeline

Wow, everyone is playing with twitter and music these days it seems. Perhaps annoyed by the constant standard beep in tweetdeck, Ad agency Ned Ludd in Paris created this android & ipad app that turns tweets into drops falling down on your screen. You can blame this thing for my lack of updates today, I was having too much fun. Drag and drop some objects from the left panel onto the main scene of the app, and each time a tweet will touch one of them, you'll hear a little sound. Now you can make music with your tweets. The Evian bit? Stay young - and you are if you keep playing with everything like an ADD kidlet.

Download the app here.

Melotweet is promoting the Live young® spirit with an innovative brand experience that allows users to understand that youth is not just a question of age, but more importantly, a state of mind : a new outlook on every thing, like that of a child, the ability to awaken our sense of wonder

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