Washington State Dept. of Health - No Stank You “Dance Off” - (2008) :30 (USA)

WONGDOODY’s latest "No Stank You" youth anti-tobacco effort is a tightly integrated Web and TV campaign that lets kids literally BE the message ...By giving thousands of real teens starring roles in new "No Stank You" commercials.

Using an animation technique dubbed "MOB Motion," WONGDOODY combines hundreds of photos of teens wearing "No Stank You" t-shirts - uploaded by teens themselves at http://www.NoStankYou.com - to create one moving image (similar to a flip book). These images are then featured in new TV ads airing throughout the state. We expect to produce at least eight more ads.

Client: Washington State Dept. of Health
Campaign: "No Stank You" youth tobacco prevention
Spot Titles: "Xylophone" and "Dance Off"

Executive Creative Director: Tracy Wong
Creative Director: Matt McCain
Art Directors: Jason Fong, Tony Zimney
Copywriter: George Mollas
Production: Lonnie Elliot, Dax Estorninos, Stacy McCann
Interactive Director: Steve Karr
Interactive Designer: Beau Collins
Account Management: Brianna Babb, Annette Wilder

Country: USA
Campaign Run: Oct. 2008 to August 2009

"Anti-tobacco messages are typically from authoritative figures such as schools or parents, and kids tend to be skeptical of them or ignore them altogether," said Mr. Tracy Wong, WONGDOODY chairman and executive creative director. "With “No Stank You,’ the kids are doing all the talking. We are bringing Washington teens together to collectively declare, in their own words and using their own images, that it’s cool not to use tobacco."

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