WONGDOODY rebrands Childhaven

Childhaven is one of the few worldwide organizations out there that uses scientifically proven treatments to treat and address the trauma of child abuse. WONGDOODY
was tasked with rebranding Childhaven's identity to better differentiate it for other organizations. The rebrand encapsulates everything from styled templates for Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, email signatures, social media to letterheads, business cards, vehicle wraps, apparel and more.

The old identity, seen on the left, feels very child-centric but used generic words that don't really describe what the organization does. However, visually, I do get "child in safe hands," from it. The newer logo does a better job conceptually of explaining that Childhaven's goal is to break the cycle. I do like the color palette better. Visually though, the first thing I think of is the copyright symbol.

What do y'all think? Tell us.

Client: Childhaven
Director of Communications and Events: Danielle Thompson
Assistant Director of Communications and PR: Robynn Polansky
Communications and Annual Fund Manager: Emily Weissman
Storyforce PR: Heidi Happonen

Advertising Agency: WONGDOODY
Chairman, Executive Creative Director: Tracy Wong
Senior Designer: Ramon Vasquez
Designer: Candice Nagel
Copywriter: Gymi Slazenger
Senior Retouch Artist: Charlie Rakatansky
Manager, Studio: Kenta Hadley
Senior Director, Integrated Production: Stacy McCann
Managing Director: Knox Duncan
Director of Strategy: Jason Gingold
Account Director: Erin Billmaier
Senior Account Manager: Scooter Churchill

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I'm not sure if I love or hate how the circle is fizzy on the one side. It might grow on me, but it's certainly eye-catching.