World's Dirtiest Film by David Spade for Axe

Axe teamed up with David Spade and folks online who submitted some of the footage for The World's Dirtiest Film.

Axe / Lynx / Unilever

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

I guess that was pretty funny.

purplesimon's picture

The auto-play on this advert is driving me nuts. Stop it please!

Dabitch's picture

Oh! It didn't autoplay for me but I just fixed it to autostart=false. Better? :)

caffeinegoddess's picture

Odd - I had set it to false when I posted it. Gremlin in the code maybe?

Dabitch's picture

two places for autostart rather, you missed one.

caffeinegoddess's picture

ah. good to know. will (hopefully) remember that next time.