Collection of *online* Super Bowl ads

I've assembled a first-of-its-kind collection of online Super Bowl ads, as opposed to Super Bowl commercials online, that might be of interest to those following the game from a marketer's perspective. It's a little rough around the edges, but please remember that it's a hobby site! Super Bowl ads

As you'll see, none of the campaigns that I've found even come close to the sophistication and quality of their television counterparts. Given the relative spend levels, I suppose that's to be expected!

Some advertisers seem to have put at least a little thought into what they were airing: (read more)

  • Cadillac Escalade "Official Vehicle of Super Bowl XL" 160x600
  • Sprint-Nextel "Wide Left!" 160x600

    Other efforts, like this work by Samsung and DirecTV, are downright embarrassing:

  • Samsung | DirecTV | Sears "Been To Super Bowl" 300x250
  • Samsung | DirectTV "Save $332" 160x600

    I've even got some "ambushers" like AT&T and Jewel-Osco who are jumping on to the "big game" bandwagon without official status. This AT&T example is a nice pool-out of their current rebranding program:

  • AT&T "Your Playoffs. Delivered." 300x250" 160x600

    Perhaps advertisers are saving their best online work for Sunday? We'll see. In the meantime, please pass along to me any additional Super Bowl ads that you see. I'll post them for additional discussion.

    Enjoy! And, of course, go Steelers!

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