72andSunny wins Coors Light and Coors Banquet business

Coors has been shopping around for a new agency of record and rearranged their agency portfolio a lot, most recently when MillerCoors Chief Marketing Officer David Kroll fired Cavalry Chicago in early August, a possibly fatal blow to the Chicago shop that formed specifically to handle the Coors portfolio. David Kroll had just replaced the dismissed Andy England as MillerCoors' chief marketing officer when he made the call. Kroll reports to interim MillerCoors CEO Gavin Hattersley.

So what will 72andSunny bring to the brand? Will they revive the bikini twins, or simply hire celebrities to talk about aging a beer, or rockers to yell "Somebody's gotta feel this"? Perhaps they'll bring back the ballad of the wingdog, or will they target women with Tom Jones?

Here's to 72andSunny taking a fresher route than all of the above, I hope to see some great work out there soon.

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