Absolut - Lemon Drop the movie poster

Here's the movie poster, very retro, for the Absolut - Lemon Drop Trailer and the ten minute Lemon Drop Movie featuring Ali Larter.

Agency: TBWA\Chiat\Day, New York
Client: Absolut
Executive Producer: Mark Figliulo, Matt Bijarchi
Creative Director: Alisa Sengel Wixom, Kris Wixom
Writer: Alisa Sengel Wixom, Kris Wixom
Director: Traktor
Producer: Rani Melendez
Production Director: Robert Valdes
Agency Producer: Julia Menassa
Director of Photography: Christopher Doyle H.K.S.C
Editor: Rick Russell
Music Design: Jesper Gadeberg
Production Company: Traktor
Sound Design: T Terressa Tate
Effects: Motion Picture Company
Motion Graphics: Kalimera
Costume Designer: B Akerlund
Production Design: Tom Hartman

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