Absolut Vodka - The Absolute (2006) 0:30 (USA)

Rockets, moon cars, stuff.

Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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johndoom's picture

Wow. So Absolut goes on TV and makes a complete bollix out of it. One of the greatest, most subtle, sophisticated, jeez, downright snobby print campaigns ever developed, and they follow it with this poxy let's-spell-it-out-for-the-kids-at-the-back-who-don't-get-it SHITE.

And LOVE the obvious targeting - "Hey Chad, what are young adults into these days?" "Well, Mike, they like road trips, anime movies, hate mondays, think Steve McQueen is pretty cool, like old school music, and also, they're toothgrindingly patriotic about their country". "Phew! Have we got the ad for you!"

This is a researcher's "mood video" not an ad.

Dabitch's picture

hey hey HEY. You stole my words.

Mood video indeed.

AnonymousCoward's picture

I recently did a research project on Absolut Vodka, and I am sad to see them abandon their two worded print advertisements that ran for over 25 years. Frankly, they can do better.

Dabitch's picture

so is this an ABSOLUT dissapointment then? ;)

AnonymousCoward's picture

Hasn't Absolut taken a beating this past 5 years? Lost a significant part of their sales? For the people who believe that grey goose or belvedere is the better choice?

I'm a big fan of the old absolut ads. But hell, if they don't sell, why are the still running?

Go Chiat day go.

caffeinegoddess's picture

Dammit dabitch...you stole my words! I'll go with Absolut triteness instead. ;)

Plywood's picture

Yeesh. Is that ever lame and predictable.
But hey - I would've hated to be the team on this the follow up campaign.
No pressure at all. Nooooo.