According to the Adland odometer....

We've jumped the big two-oh!

That's right, folks. Last night, AdLand's Commercial Archive passed the 20,000 mark with the number of commercials online in Quicktimey goodness (20,213 to be exact - one of us wasn't sleepy). Enjoy.

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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slydecix's picture


ernieschenck's picture

Congratulations! I hope nobody turns the odometer back:)

Pilo's picture

Outstanding achivement! Phew, hey cool :)

Robbotman's picture

WOW! just.. WOW!

AnonymousCoward's picture

Well done. Enough said.

Andreas-Udd's picture

Only twenty thou? C'mon ad people you can do better than that! Send in your reels like proper adgrunts!

j/k - congratulations. Impressive!

Dabitch's picture

Thanks all, and Andreas. ;)
Listen to the old adgrunt fogie all you Brazilians, Japanese, Finns and Brits, I know you can afford stamps. ;))

Neo's picture

... and is this proof that Art Directors don't always set things in 6 pt?

Hidden Persuader's picture

BLOODY OUT!!!!!!!!!

Neo's picture

you mean.. twenty.. oh...oh...OH..OH OH my god!
don't you?

Dabitch's picture


kamari's picture

Great work super-collectors! Buy Claymore a giant pint beer from me.

Neo's picture

Yes! Beer! This calls for a party. A long late drunken party where Dabitch ends up photocopying her ass. Beer!

Dabitch's picture

Human Resources to cube #19, we've found who stole all the eggnog - it's Neo!

deeped's picture

Where's the pics?! Where's the pics?! ;)

Dabitch's picture


Once at a crazy officeparty, the ritual copying of les buns was done (not by me mind you), and someone went a little nuts with the fire extinguishers while a guy was on the copier. Wanna know what happens when you spray that stuff on glass? It breaks! That guy crashed down into the machine through the glass plate and it was a dang miracle he didn't become a enuch.

Good times, good times. ;)