Activision / Call of Duty “What if the Cold War ended differently?” print

Martin Cedergren, CCO,  and the creatives at Stendahls have created a very visual campaign that telegraphs what CoD "black ops" really is about, fast. 

The Swedish Russian Dalecarlian horse

"During the Cold War, a Soviet invasion of the Nordic countries was never far away. Most young people of today are not well-informed of what the Cold War meant to the Nordics and what was at stake."

A traditional Norwegian "lusekofta" with Russian motif

"What if history unfolded a bit differently? How would the world look like? This thought was put through its paces to create puzzling and amusing memes of very famous Nordic icons – such as the Swedish Dalahorse, the Norwegian Lusekofta and Danish Smørrebrød."

Danish "smørrebrød" with Russian Caviar on it.

"These “Russified” memes will lay the foundation for what the Cold War was – a conflict between the West and the East – and what the upcoming launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War will bring to the world."

A classic Swedish caviar tube - but with a Russian brand styling and named KARLOVS instead of "Kalles"

A few more images were created, the stereotypical "Viking" helmet with horns (which never existed), the Russian version of Danish licorice candies, and a Swedish-Russian bus - this could continue with any other typically nordic things, just Russified. I'm surprised we didn't see Russian-Swedish wooden clogs, a Russified "ostyhyvel" (cheese slicer) and a Russified flat-pack furniture company. ;)

Danish Licorice

Client: Activision
Stefan Bonnevier - Nordic PR Specialist Nordics
Siri Jansson - Nordic Brand Manager Call of Duty

Creative Agency: Stendahls
Martin Cedergren - Chief Creative Officer
Mikael Andersson - Copywriter
Alexander Skoglund - Art Director
Anton Eriksson - Copywriter
Viktor Eriksson - Art Director
Anna Lotto - Account Director
Jimmy Svensson - Film editor
Jacob Stjärne - Client Director

Retouching studio: Studio Mint

Boo! Real Viking helmets don't have horns!
The "russebuss"
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