Ad Council "Our turn to help" (2016) :30 (USA)

The Louisiana floods have devastated that region once again, with nearly 60,000 homes being destroyed. An estimated thirteen people have died and more than a hundred thousands Louisiana residents have applied for disaster relief. In fact it's the worst Natural Disaster tragedy since Hurricane Sandy in 2012. As usual Louisiana residents were the first to takes care of its own. In fact the phrase Cajun Navy is now part of our vocabulary.

The thing is, as brave and awesome as the Cajun Navy is, we could be doing a lot more to help. And so the Ad Council and GSD&M remind us, it's our turn to help. With a voice over by Mr. allrightallrightallright himself, Matthew McConaughey, still photos in black and white set the scene, the aftermath and salutes those who have already helped. And then it asks the rest of the country to step up and help, too.

Made on a budget, they kept it classy and timely. I'm amazed they got the releases for the photos in time, too. Normally that process takes forever. Nice job, guys.
By the way if you like the song, it's "Get up," by Wiretree and you can go to their bandcamp and get it.

Client: Our Turn To Help
Agency: GSD&M/Ad Council

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