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Depends on how it's done I guess - the afro probably nailed them. Was it meant as a comparison or is that how the human rights org decided to interpret it? I've seen plenty of ads where chimps copy humans, and humans copy chimps, it's classic funny monkey-see monkey-do. 'cept chimps ain't monkeys.
For example, the Verizon can you hear me now ad with the chimp talking on his mobile banana.
Verizon - Chimps (2003) - 0:30 (USA)
Aaaah! Check out the really scary Philips Flash Animation on their site. It frightens me and I don't even have any Kiwi's.
Aye, I was at the pub hanging out with some ad-heads the other night and suddenly everyone pulled out their iPods to play iPod-trivia that one of the ad-heads explained is in the iPod. I couldn't help but make sheep-noises at them all. I think they procreate by icopulating.
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