adidas Originals: all Originals Represent (2012) :60 (Canada)

adidas Originals continues its love of street, style, sport and neon-wearing teenagers in this its latest "Represent," spot. Courtesy of Montreal hot stars Sid Lee no less.

It features Nicki Minaj, Jeremy Scott, Big Sean, 2NE1, Kids These Days, some flavors of the month, and Derrick Rose representing their crew. Wait, Derrick Rose? Is he trying his hand at fashion, too? I guess Beckham was too busy that week.

"Can't do it, mate. I gotta scare the willies out of some punters when they're in a photo booth.

There are some fantastic shots throughout, and now Kidsleepy is missing Rio's wavy sidewalks, coconut water and caipirinhas. No doubt the teens will love it.

And what's not to love if you're 15? Throughout the spot we have kids doing what kids do in New York, Paris, Tokyo, Chicago, Louisville, Ottawa, and Glendale: Hang out. Look cool. Make kissy faces for the camera. Look cool. Touch various stuff. Look cool. Make skateboard tricks. Look cool. Tug on their hoodies. Look cool. And apparently have an impromptu catwalk on the crosswalk. It's togetherness and youth and fun fun fun. All set to Minaj's bangin' Masquerade.

Who am I kidding. The song isn't bangin' at all. It sounds like it was written for J C Penny with some generic rap lyrics thrown in. C'mon adidas! The cool kids all over the world deserve more! Wait for the edgy remix next time!

By the way, as with a lot of adidas spots, it isn't always apparent what they're selling, besides, well, adidas. In this case though it's specifically for the 2012 Fall Winter Collection.

And while we can only guess what all these cool kids are thinking as they vamp for the cam, I think we can be certain one animal print lovin' mohwak sportin' designer is letting out a big sigh of relief that he didn't lose his job.

Ad agency: Sid Lee

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