Front unveils 'Human Touch,' a new brand campaign to inspire businesses to bring more humanity to customer relationships

Front, a communication hub for building strong customer relationships on digital channels, today reveals a new global integrated brand advertising campaign. ‘Human Touch’ depicts the challenge of maintaining differentiating customer relationships at scale. Businesses often find that adding people and systems makes customer information harder to find and share. Teams spend more time working through the process than they do communicating with customers. And, as the campaign shows, when a company loses the human touch, customers can feel the difference.

The campaign debuts today across digital, paid social, connected TV,, Front’s social channels along with out-of-home and event activations planned in key media markets across the United States and Europe in coming months. This is the company’s second brand campaign developed in partnership with full-service creative production company, Where The Buffalo Roam, following Front’s Oneness campaign in 2021. 

“This campaign riffs on the artificial interactions that arise when a company loses its focus on strong customer relationships," remarks WTBR Director Adam Avilla. "An office environment filled with mannequins was the perfect visual gag to illustrate the frustration of interacting with robots, essentially, and show how Front emphasizes human-to-human interactions with its customer communication platform. What I love about these spots is how they pull you in visually before you have any idea of what the product is with these humorously unsettling scenes you can't help but keep watching – almost like Far Side comics. We had a lot of fun shooting with Front and our larger-than-life cast of mannequins, to whom we even gave names and treated as real people on set. We're thrilled with how they turned out."

“The old saying that people buy from people, not businesses, is just as true today.  Relationships drive business success more than any other factor,” said Jon Borgese, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing at Front. “Front’s ‘Human Touch’ campaign highlights the need for humanity in customer relationships. We want businesses to understand that if they find themselves making tradeoffs between operational efficiency and building strong customer relationships, there’s actually a better alternative – Front. We’re excited for this campaign to spark a much-needed conversation on why business relationships need more of the human touch, not less.”

According to a Harvard Business Review Analytic Services study sponsored by Front, this kind of internal inefficiency is widespread. Nearly 66 percent of knowledge workers surveyed said that data is not accessible to the right employee at the right time. Additionally, 64 percent said they lack visibility into the previous conversations the customer has had with other team members. These inefficiencies and others impact a team’s ability to deliver the best possible customer experience, which this campaign’s innovative creative approach makes clear.

About Front

Front is a communication hub for building strong customer relationships on digital channels. For many businesses, almost every customer conversation can make or break the relationship — the stakes are that high. Front puts these conversations at the center of a team’s attention and surrounds them with collaboration capabilities and contextual data from multiple systems. This lets teams stay focused on delivering timely, accurate and deeply personalized communications. More than 7,500 businesses, including Shopify, Airbnb, Hulu, Lyft, and Mailchimp, use Front to build better customer relationships, one conversation at a time. To learn more, visit

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