athenahealth "so what do you do for a living?" (2015) 1:00 (USA)

Casting is brilliant here. When the nerdy guy at the bar who most likely works in IT tells the ladies he stares at a computer all day long, they naturally think he's a doctor. Hilarity ensues as he awkwardly goes with the flow.
Nice insight from athenahealth. Doctors should be doctors.

Client: athenahealth
Agency: Ari Merkin LLC
Creative: Ari Merkin
Executive Producer: Clair Grupp
Producer: Jessie Hoyt
Production Company: m ss ng p eces
Director: Patrick Sherman
Executive Producers: Brian Latt, Ari Kuschnir, Kate Oppenheim
Head of Production: Dave Saltzman
Line Producer: Steven Steiner
DP: Marten Tedin
Production Designer: Gary Matteson
Consulting Physicians: Jordan Ditcheck, MD, Patrick Amar, MD
Editorial: Butcher Editorial
Editor: Teddy Gersten

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