A&W - "Caught on Snap" (2017) :30 (USA)

Somehow dad's dancing achieves coveted "cool dad" status when he starts bopping around wth root beer, as his kids snap him and send it off to friends. You realise the dorky kitchen dance is a lot better than the tiny shorts pale sunbathing dad, so I guess "cool" is relative. The kid's reactions in the 2003 Swiffer ad when mom dances to Devo seem a lot more realistic. There's no need to argue, kids just don't understand...

Agency: The Richards Group
Producer: JR Dixon
Art Director: Andrew Harper
Writer: Lynn Bossange

Production Co: Honor Society
Directors: Cary Murnion & Jonathan Milott

Post: Lucky Post
Editor: Logan Hefflefinger
Assistant Editor: Juan Vargas
EP: Jessica Berry
Color: Neil Anderson
Finish: Tim Nagel
Audio Mix: Scottie Richardson

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