Derrick is a German TV crime series produced between 1974 and 1998, starring Horst Tappert as Detective Chief Inspector (Kriminaloberinspektor) Stephan Derrick, and Fritz Wepper as Detective Sergeant (Kriminalhauptmeister) Harry Klein, his loyal assistant. The show was hugely popular in the Netherlands, everyone seemed to watch it.
The day after the final episode "Das Abschiedsgeschenk" aired, this ad ran in the main Dutch newspapers.
Advertising Agency:Schaeffer Wunsch Has, Netherlands
Creative Director: Lode Schaeffer
Copywriter: J.P. Nieuwerkerk
Art Director: Christien Van Citters
Account Supervisor: Jan Has
Advertisers Supervisor: Paul Van Den Acker
Illustrator: Nick Strong
Typographer: Max Christoffel
Photographer: Raimond Wouda