Big Brother meets the youtube generation - check out

Atavahuset is a flash heavy house-website-thingie where people who have webcams can sign up to move into the house.

It's for the insurance company Atava, who in order to celebrate their new home insurance built this web-house which is a bit like a cross between Big Brother and a 24-hour webcam site.

Viewers can vote on people who live in the house - and thus vote the most boring channels off the island, errr.. out of the building. Right now I'm watching Christer, a 47-year-old father of three vacuum his living room and I want to keep him in just for doing something as ordinary as that.

There are a few glamour models in the house, the fresh-faced and super-blond Olivia is currently talking about all of her neighbours saying that she watches Andrea the most. And she admits that she really likes Mikael - because who doesn't? I love him too (clip inside).

Every day one person is evicted and a new one moves in and the game starts over again - check out the queue to move in here on the left. Listening to them all at once is rather funny, right now I can hear a guy saying "I'm in Atavahuset I'm currently on air all over Sweden! Check me out!" as he's on the phone to his friends "no, A T A V A-huset, my god don't you have internet?".

There are also chats in the house so that you may ask the people who "live" in it questions, and some cheeky bugger just asked Olivia the glamour model to show off some outfits. Hey! It's not that kind of house Mr!

The blog keeps track of what has been going on in the house.

My favorite nut living in the house is this guy, the nutter named Mikael. I wish I could do justice to what he sings... Let's see, it goes a little like: "I have lightning bolt, I have lightning bolt.. maybe I should have learned the lyrics.. Ah-ha-ha-haaa - LIGHTNING BOLT!"

Also here he is dressed up as an elephant claiming that other people in the house, specifically Angelika and Alex Schulman, suck. Get it?

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