Björn Borg air-drops his underwear all over the world.

As part of a new online campaign entitled The Drop famed-tennis-Icon-turned-fashion-maven Björn Borg wants to sexify the planet with his underwear line.

Upon going to The Drop, you are greeted with an intro (which didn't work for me in any of my browsers) and this phrase: ”BJÖRN BORG SAYS JA! TO WEAPONS OF MASS SEDUCTION”.

After I read that sentence I pictured Björn Borg and Kenneth Cole fist bumping.

Anyway the whole idea is for you to choose what city in the world Borg's undies should be dropped. 450 pairs to whichever cities get the most up votes.

So you all you do is drag and drop a pair of yellow cross hairs on the city of your choice. Because nothing says sexy like terrorism imagery. After you do that a confusing pop up window comes up.

Location (whose location? Mine? I mean, I just dropped it on a city with a name.)
Background: What does that mean? What am I supposed to do here?
Intel: URls? What URL's do you need? Why do you need URL's?

By the way, I find it hilarious that right now it's the Swedish Left Party with the most upvotes. Makes sense. Swedish socialists are the most uptight and in desperate need of sex out there.

Agency: Garbergs
Art Director: Lotta Mårlind, Johan Wilde
Copywriter: Sedir Ajeenah
Designer: William Löthman, Jessica Carenfelt
Producer: Niclas Bergström
Account Manager: Marielle Lundqvist
Account Director: Anna Frick
Creative Director: Petter Ödeen

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