BMW Fastest Christmas Song In The World (2012) 2:00

Draft FCB Zurich decided the best way to celebrate the holidays with BMW was to sing the Christmas song in the world. By showing BMW DTM professional driver Martin Tomczyk driving The Zurich Accapella Group around around a track like a bat out of hell while they sing Jingle Bells.

How does Jingle Bells sound in a car this fast? Awkward!

Key personnel at BMW: Mark Backé (Marketing Manager), Miranda Amsler (Senior Manager Advertising), Jan Bolliger (Senior Manager Online)
Key personnel at Draftfcb in Zurich: Dennis Lück (Executive Creative Director), Christoff Strukamp and Stephanie Lang (Art Directors), Maximilian Kortmann (Copywriter), Sandra Kopplin (Consulting)
Sound: Kirschner Music
Film production: Lamar Hawkins, Christopher Novak, Pumpkin Film AG
Direction: Götz Hudelmaier
Post production: Fraqment
Online: Sebastian Palka, Nikita Loges, Stephan Fühner, drei elemente gmbh

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