Bud Light - Conan O'Brien / Sweden - (2009) :30 (USA)

Here's your Swedish lesson for the day, dear adgrunts:"Skillnaden är" means "The difference is". Also, Swedes were terribly flattered and made a big deal about this in the national morning papers. Sweden in superbowl (SvD). We're good sports. Whatever they're speaking is not Swedish. It might be Swedish Chef.

Client: Budweiser
Agency: DDB, Chicago

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Dabitch's picture

Conan totally makes this ad.

volcomnerd's picture

Did someone at DDB confuse Sweden with Germany?
Conan is always funny though.

Neo's picture

Schweden, Schmeden, Germany, Schwermany. Yes keeping track of all those small provincial areas in "The old country" isn't exactly Americans' forté is it? Props for getting the actual Swedish line right though.