Burger King BK - The Whopperettes - (2006) :60 (USA)

1st Quarter.

If you eat one of these when it's over an hour old, you will hallucinate this shit.

Ad Agency: Crispin Porter & Bogusky, Miami, Fla.
Creative Director: Rob Reilly
Director: Bryan Buckley
Production Co: Hungry Man Productions, NYC
Shot in a warehouse in Rio de Janeiro
Costume Designer: Angus Strathie
Choreographer Michael Rooney.
TRIVIA: Shot over five days in a warehouse in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the concept was initially considered for a cinema spot

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AnonymousCoward's picture

Wow this is bad!!!

AnonymousCoward's picture

Not even the gorgeous Brooke could save it!!!

Dabitch's picture

then rate it down!

AnonymousCoward's picture

Thanks, had a brain lapse :) got my rating in now

Mets82's picture

This commercial was very bad. When I first saw it I knew it was one commercial that I didn't want to watch again. It's one of those commercials where you didn't have to think big. Everyone knows what Burger King is, yet this commercial made it seem like nobody ever heard of it.