Buxom babes for Dove

A beauty company is finally listening to its customers - women. Tired of being bombarded by stick-skinny models, women have spoken out in a survey in which "Dove found 83% of women were concerned that models in beauty adverts did not actually use the products they were promoting.
Over half wanted more curvy women in adverts and 56% said they felt better about themselves when they saw adverts featuring women with figures similar to their own."

This new ad campaign, which breaks today in London, features billboards showing a curvaceous woman in white underwear and the line: "New Dove Firming. As tested on real curves."

From ananova.com:

Dove's new ad campaign for Dove Firming moisturizer was "designed to celebrate real women and boost their body confidence."

Women of different shapes and sizes are pictured in their underwear for the Dove Firming advertising - and the company says the images have not been retouched in any way.

Psychologist Dr Linda Papadopolous, an expert in women's body attitudes, said: "Women are constantly bombarded with images of often unrealistic and unattainable perfection. When the girl in the mirror doesn't look like the girl in the magazine or on the TV, it's not surprising that women's self esteem can be affected.

"It's great that companies like Dove are starting to listen to real women's concerns and talking to them about feeling good rather than performing miracles or selling the beauty myth."

It's about time for a campaign like this, and on this large of a scale, after decades of women being shown unrealistic airbrushed images of women. It's great that a company, especially a beauty company, is finally listening to their customers.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Great! They finally got the Memo! ;)
Victoria Beckham was voted least healthy role model...? Who would have thunk it.

CopyWhore's picture

Hooray to truth in advertising! (Although I'm sure it was a bummer for the straignt, male art directors who, perhaps, cast this little achievement!)

blabla's picture

From The Media Guardian (reg. req.) Learning curves by Jess Cartner-Morley

Those FHM honeys in their Agent Provocateur scanties must be quaking in their thigh-high boots. Right now, it is girls in white cotton underwear who are getting the nation's knickers in a twist. The new Dove advertising campaign for a range of firming products, featuring "normal" women in their underwear, has achieved that rare thing for an ad campaign: water-cooler chat status. The six women featured have become minor celebrities, and in the first month after the campaign was launched, sales of the range have doubled. The female marketing team behind the ad have been so inspired by their campaign's success that they have struck a pose themselves, modelling for a similar ad on a billboard outside their offices.......

caffeinegoddess's picture

Nice!! Hopefully others will get the hint!

Dabitch's picture

yeah thats pretty cool - hope it's not just the novelty scoring points - them femme fatale creatives must have big cahones daring to strike a pose in their undies on a poster outside their offices. *laff*