Seattle bar "The 5 Point Cafe" bans the Google Glasses at their establishment with this nicely designed symbol an an announcement on facebook. Declaring themselves the first bar to ban the Google Glass, they bought themselves miles of press while simultaneously branding their bar as 'seedy and a little notorious'. Woo! Never mind how many private and government run cameras their average patron will pass on their way to the bar, we don't want these Google-gadgets filming us too! Ever stood in a urinal next to a guy wearing these? It'll happen, and there will be a rule 34 fulfillment and possibly a site called "meat gazers" in the near future (brb! *dashes off to buy that domain*). The 5 point café serves up some pretty awesome looking breakfasts, brunches, and bloody marys. Don't forget now to remove your Google Glass before you enter the café. No word yet if one can wear those sassy speaking shoes in the same café in the near future.