Canon - The missed shot campaign - print, 2021 Denmark

The missed shot is missed because it's not perfectly in focus. Every photographer knows this feeling. Uncle Grey explains: "We asked world-renowned photographers which missed shot do they clearly remember and to tell us the story about it. We then treated the typography as the image, where the focus showed you why the shot was missed."

Advertising Agency: Uncle Grey

Account Manager: Newsha Dalman, Pernille Tramp

Art Director: Mads Alexander Nielsen
Associate Creative Director: Clara Prior-Knock
Client Service Director: Josephine Winther-Poupinel
Creative Chairman: Lars Samuelsen

Designer : Andreas Hoff, Lars Dyhr
Final Artist: Thomas Rynkeby Knudsen

Intern: Carl-Emil Storm Gabrielsen, Jesper Uttrup

Social Media Manager : Valdemar Mühlhausen
Social Media Specialist : Johan Thrane

Strategic Director : Patrick Poulsen

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