Capital One stops using chimpanzees in their ads thanks to Angelica Huston and PETA

After examining information from PETA, McLean, Va.–based Capital One stopped airing its ad featuring a chimpanzee and stated that it will not use primates in future ads. PETA's information—including a graphic video narrated by Anjelica Huston—detailed how great apes used in advertising are taken from their mothers as infants, resulting in severe trauma. Capital One has told PETA, "We believe you have made profound and compelling arguments about the treatment of primates. The ad in question is going off the air, and we will not use primates in future advertising." Capital One's decision follows years of using primates in the company's ads.

"The last thing that companies want is to turn off consumers with ads that exploit primates," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "Public attitudes about animals are changing for the better, and more and more companies have their finger on the pulse of this positive trend."

Chimpanzees and other great apes used for advertising are typically babies who were forcibly taken from their mothers shortly after birth. They are often physically and psychologically abused during training to ensure that they will perform confusing, unnatural behaviors on command. By the time apes reach approximately 8 years of age, they are too strong to be safely handled and are often discarded at appalling roadside zoos or other substandard facilities, where they may languish for decades.

Ten of the top 15 advertising agencies in the U.S.—including BBDO, Leo Burnett, Young & Rubicam, and McCann Erickson—have prohibited the use of great apes in their ads. In 2010, every new national ad that featured apes was pulled or modified after the companies—including Dodge and Robitussin—learned about the cruelty associated with exploiting these highly intelligent and sensitive animals. PETA has now set its sights on CareerBuilder, which is still airing an ad featuring chimpanzees.

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