Celebrity spokespeople might not work out...

Angelina Jolie is hawt:

Shiseido, the oldest cosmetics company in the world, hired Angelina Jolie to be their new face. Although she has briefly worked with the Japanese company before, Jolie inked a deal to star in three separate beauty campaigns.

...Jolie flew to Hollywood studios two weeks ago and was shot by beauty photographer Camilla Akrans. The glossy magazine and billboard campaign will appear in Japan only. Jolie will advertise a new range of powder and liquid eyeliner for the Japanese brand."

Maybe it's me, but hiring one of the most beautiful women in the world to sell your makeup seems just a little lazy. It's like hiring Superman to show how the Mach 3 won't irritate your skin. Of course Angelina Jolie is going to make your crap look good. You now you're on the right track when your commercial's potential side effects include "painful erections".

This video is Angelina's 2006 commercial for Shiseido's Integrate.

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