Clarks " Nature IV redesigned redefined reborn. (2017) 1:40 (UK)

Clarks debuts a redesign of its flagship shoe, the one called Nature. It's taken the 30 year old shoe design and given it a radical overhaul, but not at the expense of craftsmanship. In this spot we watch the birth (rebirth?) of the shoe from its beginning, watching the cutting-edge technology that Clarks is known for bring this shoe to life. It's a nice way to remind people that even though Clarks has been around since the 1800's they are at the forefront of tech. In fact they've been using 3D printing for twenty years. So they're kind of ahead of the pack. They just needed to remind people that. And in terms of shoe porn, this does a good job.

Client: Clarks
Director: Ric Comline
Production Company: BlindPig
Producer: Kirsty Murray
Live Action DOP: Gareth Ward
3D Artists: James Coore, Matt Burn, Christina Castelo Branco, Stephen (Huggy) Henry, Aaron Masih, Dan Baiton & Jesse Baber
2D Artists: Owen Saward & Chris Tobin
C4D Artists: Ric Comline, Tom Cardo-Moreno & Christine Peters
Sound Design & Music: Joe Worters

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