Colgate - Three ways clean (Cutie Katie and Handsome Harry) - (1950) :30 (USA)

Sing along folks!

When cutie Katie makes a scene
she wears a smile brushed 3 ways clean

Cleaner breath. Cleaner taste. Cleaner teeth.
3 ways clean is Colgate clean!

When handsome Harry joins the session,
He makes a real cool 3-way impression (lol)

Cleaner breath. Cleaner taste. Cleaner teeth.
3 ways clean is Colgate clean!

A happy Colgate girl and boy
brushed 3 ways clean to both enjoy(?)
Cleaner breath. Cleaner taste. Cleaner teeth.
3 ways clean is Colgate clean!

Help fight decay with Colgate!
3 ways clean is Colgate clean!


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