Colombian coffee - Inga Gill and Karl-Arne Holmsten make coffee (1970) 3:00 (Sweden)

One evening after the theater at the home of Inga Gill and Karl-Arne Holmsten.

"Oh, that was delicious. But I don't understand how you had time to do that, didn't you have dress rehearsal tonight?"

The rest of the skit is Inga Gill quibbling with Karl-Arne about how terrible his coffee is, but this time will be different he promises, because he's bought Columbian coffee.

If you recognize these actors it's because Inga Gill was in the world-famous Bergman film "The Seventh Seal", while Karl-Arne appeared in more than 80 films and countless theatre productions.

En kväll efter teatern hemma hos Inga Gill och Karl-Arne Holmsten.

Client: Colombia Kaffe

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