Hell hath no fury, like a media-woman scorned

Update Someone sent us this photo proving that there are least three poster sites with this message. This one is on the I-95 North near Jerome Avenue in the Bronx, NY.

And now we know: It's a campaign for CourtTV

Update 24th of July Hi Steven, people loved our stunt says the New York Times

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Gawker has an updated post here where they claim a source has passed this along: "it's a promo for a show on Court TV. They approached a few writers to do this character Emily for a few weeks, then to do the viral marketing thing to hook people."

Dabitch's picture

ok, that exaplains why Emily has posted in so many forums. ThatgirlEmily has posted comments about her life on many girltalk/relationship forums. Icky!

Dabitch's picture

The folks at Metafilter are busy snarking about this campaign and viral ads in general. There yeti posts here, has found this comment from "Emily" at forkintheroad

Glad to know you're alright. I just recently started reading your blog. And I just recently found out about my husband's affair. I almost wish a car would just hit me. Well, I know that's a little dramatic but I need something to make me forget about my world crashing in front of me.

Now, its the fact that they're activly spamming forums and comment spamming popular blogs to draw attention to this that really bugs me. A little too closely related to the (anonymous) tosser who uses a script on this site to link his umpteen pharma-pages at blogspot. Both use blogspot, both comment only to spread their own link(s).

The fact that both pharma-spammers and viral marketers choose blogger as their bloghost tarnishes the blogger-brand.

And on a related note, there's talk in the Wikipedia about word of mouth marketing - should it have it's own page? Should it be the umbrella term with "viral" under it (uh, no.). Should it merge with word-of-mouse? Anyone interested throw your two cents in.

Dabitch's picture
Dabitch's picture

the New York posts calls it: VIRAL, BUT NOT INFECTIOUS

Do I have your attention now? I know all about your bogus billboard and your fake blog, you dirty, sneaky, immoral, unfaithful, poorly endowed slimeball. Everything's been documented online.
caffeinegoddess's picture

Gawker claims it's for Court TV's "Parco P.I."