Lynx worst ad to date - the Mänwash from Sweden.

I generally like Lynx / Axe ads even though some argue that they are sexist and one-dimensional all over the place, since women are but babes controlled by canned pheromones and men's only ambition is to bed as many of them as possible. Some are funny.

This one however, I positivly hate. Men want to get scrubbed up and hosed down as if they were cars, dogs or imprisoned? Spelling it Mänwash but then pronouncing the Ä as an A anyway?

Playing up that old Swedish sexy blond stereotype thing? Gag.

That just about pushed every peeve button I've got. This ad blows, and not in a good way. If you wish to continue punishing yourself check out the URL in the ad for some lynx blog action.

The new sensation from Sweden. A team of very sexy girls will scrub and wash you until you are "super clean" and ready to go!

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Robblink's picture

Yeah, it's not as good as the Lynx Jet. Get on and Get off.

jakethemus's picture

Holy crap. Forget all the stereotypes and obvious attempts to copy the rest of the world's work on Lynx, what about the fact that they aren't even good at being sexist. At least show me some more hot female action. Too much naked men for me.

I think this ad was made by the 'mentally challenged'

AnonymousCoward's picture

But the ironing lady. The IRONING lady. Need... cold... shower. Must... go... to... M

TDD's picture

I'm surprised the men weren't wearing horned helmets.