Have you EMV'd your headline today?

Welcome to the Advanced Marketing Institute's Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer. Here you can see exactly how well your headline scores on the Emotional Marketing Value (EMV). O rly? Let's test this thing and see if we can't score more than 100%, shall we? The crazy kids of adlist were more than willing to help. Obvious:

"Will you marry me?" - scored 75% Intellectual EMV while
Will you marry Brad Pitt? scored 40% Intellectual / Spiritual

Grant on adlist tested "the most emotional words I've ever heard" and got... nothing. Well, that clears that up.

Magnus tried to construct the perfect pickup line, and here it is:

Opportunity is always good, right? Brandon crafts a spam-mail headline and scores.

Yes, even when it sucks.

But since the word opportunity itself is 100%... What happens if you use it more than once?

This might explain why some people like to use exclamation marks in groups of threes.

Claymore thinks that the army is behind this widget.

At least now we know how President Bush tests his ideas....

Also, don't miss the fantastic FAQ here.

Q: How did you determine which words have Emotional Marketing Value?

A: Our research started back the late 1960s and early 1970s. Dr. Hakim Chishti was a U.S. government research scholar, and was living in the Near East, studying the roots of several languages, Persian, Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic, Urdu and several others.

His research found that there are these basic underlying harmonics, a tonality that flows through language, which are in many ways more profound and powerful than the dictionary meaning itself. Whereas sometimes meaning can be mistaken, the sound tones are always interpreted the same way by the emotions. These are better said as "emotional" reactions, although the effect is subtle.

He first presented his research findings and theory of the sounds patterns at an international conference of experts on sound and Persian poetry. That was in October 1977. Most of the leading experts of the world were there. In all, more than 90 countries had their top scholars there. Dr. Hakim Chishti was invited to represent the United States


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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brandonbarr's picture

*hands Dabitch a coughdrop.*

Allan1's picture

THIS IS GREAT!!!! [btw: 0% - Neutral]. I Love It! [btw: 0% - Neutral].

This is a whole bunch of fun to try. I've added the site to my favorites!

Here are some samples I tried... (Allan)


"NUDE GOD FREE FOOD" - 100% - Spiritual

"FREE" - 100% - Intellectual

"Golden Opportunity Celebrity NUDE GOD FREE MONEY FOOD" - 112.5% - Intellectual

"Golden Opportunity FOOD" - 133.33% - Spirtual

"Superstar" - 200% - Empathetic/Spiritual

Actual local news headlines (6/8/2007) - www.NBC10.com:
"Officials To Residents Stay Indoors Close Windows" - 14.29% - Spirtual

"Police: Toe-Sucking Rapist Strikes In Rittenhouse Square Area" - 25% - Intellectual
From CNN.com:
"Eerie MySpace page may hold clues to killing" - 37.50% - Spiritual
Their own headline:
"Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer" - 60% - Intellectual/Empathetic/Spiritual

iesnek's picture


Your Headline's EMV Score:


This score indicates that your headline has a total of 150.00% Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) Words. To put that in perspective, the English language contains approximately 20% EMV words.