What is the republic of ideas? Why wait until sept 3rd?

The republicofideas.com is some cryptic new website that asks for your email and will let you know what it is September 3rd.

Avin Fathulla and Fabian Topfstedt in Vienna are behind it, but what is it? Care to guess?

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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ControlV's picture

Know the Republic of Sealand? I heard, they are just about to sell their Island...

Dabitch's picture

Oh! Interesting! But... is it likely? Will we get passports? I wanna be a diplomat, can I can I can I pleeez?

avin's picture

You are both onto something...

But it's only a small part of something.

caffeinegoddess's picture


Dabitch's picture

In that case I wanna be KING OF THE REPUBLIC OF IDEAS and y'all have to refer to me as Her Majesty, Dabitch the first, by the Grace of the IdeaGod, of Great Adland, Idealand, and of the Bubbly Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the IdeaFaith, Emperor of Ideas


avin's picture

This is the only thing, where I'll have to disappoint you. The Republic is based on anarchy.

Dabitch's picture

In that case, I got guns.

...wait a second, isn't "a republic" by definition a democracy?

avin's picture

No... ;)

A Republic is any rule, which is focused on the wellbeing of it's community. Or another definition: A Republic is the opposite of monarchy and Tyranny.

But all that's very philosophical and doesn't get you closer to finding out, what the republic will be about. :)

Just please...

Don't bring guns. (I mean, the logo has flowers...)

Dabitch's picture

What about waterguns? I got super-soakers! I'll load them with BEER!

avin's picture

That's the right attitude! But make sure you bring loads.

TDD's picture

Beer? In a watergun? Well, some beer is very close to water....

oddpodz's picture

Interesting. Sounds like the 'global nation of creatives' that we built. We issued passports to our citizens about nine months ago

Dabitch's picture

Huh!? Then where the heck is my passport? *is very upset*


purken's picture

oddpodz - does the global nation of creatives have a link?

vian's picture
Dabitch's picture

Isn't that the link in the post? I thought oddpodz was talking about another republic.

oddpodz's picture

oddpodz is talking about another link


Dabitch's picture

oddpodz, here, I'll make that link clickable. www.globalnationofcreatives.com