Katahomo 1:00 '' - Are you single?

Regia Alessio Fava. Sceneggiatura Luca Aimeri. Special Guest Star Francesco Arca.

collective people | Torino - Milano

Alessio Fava - Regia [BIO - CV]
Luca Aimeri - Sceneggiatura [BIO]
Christian Alati - Musiche
Beppe Gallo - Fotografia
Sara Rapelli - Aiuto regia
Lorenza Negri - Assistente di produzione
Elena Valenti - Costumi
Vitaliano Crispo - Scenografia
Sara Migliorini - Aiuto scenogr
Tommaso Caroni - Assistente alla regia
Fabio Coggiola - Fonico
Vito Palumbo - Backstage
Vanessa Ferrauto - Trucco
Simonluca Chiotti - Operatore

Marco Bosi - Uomo Katahomo I, II, III spot
Vito Miccolis - Uomo Katahomo I, II, III spot
Noemi Condorelli - Ragazza II spot
Francesco Arca - Ragazzo II spot
Riccardo Leto - Controllore I spot

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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kurtberengeiger's picture

I have no idea what Katahomo does, but that would have been a nice Post/DHL/FedEx film.

nastenka's picture

Katahomo is a joke, http://www.katahomo.com/page.php?12People on sale :) 

Dabitch's picture

I knew it was too good to be true. Now I'll have to cancel my order on handsome guitar-playing latin looking lad. Damn.

nastenka's picture
Arnied's picture

It doesn't matter whether he has a guitar or not.  If you called up and ordered him, he's a hooker.  Sorry, "male escort". 

Dabitch's picture

I thought they were called gigolos.

Allan1's picture

I suppose that depends who how you call them, how much you pay, and how long you keep them....