T-Mobile wants to own Magenta

We've heard this song and dance before. UPS and Brown. Kimberly Clarke and Orange.

And now, T-Mobile and it's bigger parent company, Deutsche Telekom (DT) want to own the color magenta. In fact, they have sued Dutch company Compello, and they are urging "Slam FM" and "100% NL" to quit using magenta too. You can sign a petition here to RECLAIM MAGENTA!, as well as find more links to info on the subject.

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windowphobe's picture

What do they propose to do, demand tribute for everything that even remotely looks like magenta? What about fuchsia?

Allan1's picture


"The fuchsia's gone... There is no fuchsia without you..."

"My Garden of Love" - Benny Hill

Never had much use for Magenta, ever since the ink cartridge ran out.

"Remember, no matter where you go... There you are." (Buckaroo Banzai).