Emergency Party Button

Staples Easy Button, bow your head to the Emergency Party Button!

If you're curious how it's made, he shared howto here: plasma2002.com

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

There's also the dorm room version which has much better music. (be sure to click that link as they show scematics and all, so cute)

plasma2002's picture

Well, the music is obviously pure preference... but my writeup also includes all the info as well... it just seems that Robblink failed to link back to the main site for the Emergency Party Button and instead just embedded the youtube.

The link for the actual button and how it all works is at http://www.plasma2002.com/epb


JohanW's picture

That's the thing about youtube, nobody links "back to the main site" since, really why should they. Your music is perfect.

kamari's picture

Either way I NEED one of these! Can I get one with an automatic maid-service that shows up as soon as the button is turned off?

Dabitch's picture

That's the 2.0 version.