7Up – See The Light (1975) :30 (USA)

You have not seen trippy until you've seen the light. 7Up is the original uncola.

Client: 7Up

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Dabitch's picture

This uncola campaign is classic.

Allan1's picture

Still great stuff.

Just remember, tho, those pretty girls used for the butterfly shots (etc.) are now in their 50s or 60s (if they're still alive). :-)

RLDavies's picture

Aw heck, I remember this one. Didn't they use the "butterfly girl" image as a sort of secondary logo for a little while?

(And thanks so much, Allan, for making me feel middle-aged.)

Allan1's picture

I'm probably a few years past you, and I still don't think of myself as middle-aged. Of course, when I remember that I helped babysit a girlfriend's sister's girls (4 and 6 years old), that those girls are now around 40 years old - and that my younger brother is a grandfather 3 times over. YIKES!

Nope, just shocks me - I still don't FEEL OLD... (or even middle-aged)...


Quoting (roughly) Andy Porter (former owner/editor of the Science Fiction Chronicle) "... the secret nobody tells you, is that no matter how old you actually get, you still feel inside like you're 17 years old.."

RLDavies's picture

Well, I don't think of myself as middle-aged. Not until some pipsqueak in the Adventure Games forum starts talking about some game they used to play when they were five...

My mental age varies between 5 and 20.