Jerry Della Femina is still Crazy after all these years - induction into the One Club Creative Hall of Fame

Mary Warlick, Chief Executive Officer of The One Club, has announced the induction of the newest member of its Creative Hall of Fame: Jerry Della Femina. This is the first time since 1972 that the One Show has bestowed this honor to a solo recipient.

This legendary creative genius will be honored with a retrospective of original Jerry Della Femina work on June 10 at The One Club Gallery. On view will be 40 years of advertising from Jerry Della Femina & Partners, Della Femina Travisano & Partners, Della Femina McNamee, Inc., Della Femina McNamee WCRS, Inc., Jerry Inc., Jerry & Ketchum, Della Femina Jeary & Partners and Della Femina Rothschild Jeary & Partners. "Still Crazy After All These Years" will be on display at The One Club Gallery, 21 East 26th Street, through July 18.

"To capture Jerry's funny, irreverent and maverick self and also honor his contribution to changing the face of advertising, The One Club felt it was important to honor him in a unique way," said Warlick. "We are thrilled to discover that Jerry is 'still crazy after all these years.' What better way to acknowledge his genius than with a first time ever gallery exhibit of his work on the same night he'll be inducted into the One Club Creative Hall of Fame?"

If you are in New York City the Jerry Della Femina exhibit will be up until July 18th at The One Show gallery: open to the public Mon-Thurs from 10 am to 5 pm and Fridays 10 am-1 pm.

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dave trott's picture

I can't believe he wasn't in it years ago.
What are you people doing?

Neo's picture

I agree. Jerry Della Femina has ruled Madison Ave for eons already. At least they didn't wait until he was dead like with Paul Rand.

Dabitch's picture

It's annoying the living daylights out of me that I can't hop over the Atlantic and go to this exhibit at the very least, I really wanted to be there June 10 to see the award ceremony.

Neo's picture

You should move back to New York girl. Then we can send you to spy on all the One Club stuff for us.

Dabitch's picture

Hahaha. I might. I just might.