Breathe Right - Bruce Johnson (2006) :60 (USA)

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~Breathe Right Strips~

I must say, I bought this product only once, that was all it took! I wasn't snoring due to being stuffed up or anything. I guess I just snored normally. To help my husband sleep I night I decided to try this. I tried it for a week straight and after that I haven't snored at all without them!!! I keep them in my night stand for the occasional time when I am stuffed up. They work every time! You can instantly feel your sinuses open as soon as you put it on. I swear by it. For anyone who is skeptical or hesitant, just try it for 1 week. What have you got to lose?

adlib's picture

What the hell kind of spam is that? I think you should delete this Dabitch, it looks wrong and is the users first and only comment.