Dogs and their owners look the same, and so do the ads.

Here's a good gag - ever noticed that dog look like their owners or vice versa? Well, you ain't the only one..

Dogs and their ads look alike.

and here is a funny coincidence..Fido the Canadian mobile phone provider..and dog owners that look like their dogs.... Deja vu!

The first Ceasar ads were made in Brazil, if I remember correctly which I'm not sure I am this time, but I am certain that the second bunch of ads was made by Bos, a Canadian agency (make that French Canadian). Do I think it is a rip-off? Nope, I think this is pure coincidence. Who hasn't looked dogs and their owners laughing at the old old old joke that they look alike? It's an ancient gag! It is probably a lot more appropriate as an ad for dog food than as an ad for a mobile phone company, but since I don't read French and don't know the Fido campaign, I'll let you do the talking about that.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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HaHaSoup's picture

I also think this one is a co

AnonymousCoward's picture

The text in the bottom ad is a play on words and translates as either "We're made to get along" or "to hear each other".
"s'entendre" in this case can mean either.

Thing is, FIDO doesn't translate into French as anything canine related if at all.

Dabitch's picture

bummer. what do french-speaking people call their dogs? Fifi? ;-)