Falstaff - Life Boat - (1982) :30 (UK)

Falstaff guide for gentlemen, if in accident at sea is to not stampede toward the life boats. No, instead quell any angst and anxiety with a leisurely stroll to the life boats. Then as it's time, observe the time honoured tradition of women and children first. Oh hang on, he's got a dress on underneath that suit!


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Paul Gregory played the Cad in this Commercial and Rudolph Walker was the Barman. Shot at Elstree studios in December 1983 and first shown on LWT in September 1984. It was a Young & Rubicam commercial and it won Best TV commercial of the year in New York that year. There was another "The old Mons match trick" shot in 1985 featuring Paul Gregory and shown in the same year I think.