Android - Monotune Piano (2016) :90 (USA)

Here's a euphemistic piano for you: they picked a piano apart and replaced the 88 keys, reengineering it so that it only plays one note: middle C. In a regular piano, each one is different. In this piano, they are all the same. Now, lets listen.
The point? Shots fired at Apple and iOS, since Android is far more customisable. Conclusion: Be together. #NotTheSame

I used to have a Creative Director who rejected ideas with the phrase: "Too cerebral". He'd reject this one.

Client: Android

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Karel's picture

"In a regular piano, each one is different."

Exactly what level of intellect are you targeting this article at?

kidsleepy's picture

That was how it was explained in the press release, and in the youtube description.

By the way, "Exactly what level of intellect are you targeting this article at?" is a dangling preposition, and is therefore grammatically incorrect.

Dabitch's picture

"each one is different" is also the SUPER IN THE AD. Karel is just being a twit. A grammatically incorrect twit. One who may have just proved my old CD right.