E*TRADE - This Is Getting Old / I'm 85 and I wanna go home (2018) :30 (USA)

I must say I do like the new lyrics to an old song, and the work scenarios for all the lovely and grey old people here really do make you pity them as they keep on working long past the age of retirement. Except DJ Nana, you keep on rocking, gurl, that looks like fun. The styling and music and humour is fine, I do wonder how wise it is to daytrade your savings in lieu of a proper retirement plan, but see that's what E*trade is offering here: retirement planning. See, I had no idea they had that, so all in all the ad actually worked. Shocker.

Client: Etrade

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Yes's picture


ND's picture

Lol I thought this commercial was hilarious. Better then those commercials from a certain car brand that rhymes with “Heavy”

My name is not Jeff my dudes's picture

That was the best commercial since the I've fallen and can't get up one, noice

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Can You Identify The Actress,In A Red 1 Piece Bathing Suit,In This Advertisement?

Jack Johnson's picture

Can You Identify The Actress,In A Red 1 Piece Bathing Suit,In This Advertisement?