VH1 - Kittens - Do They Know It's Christmas? - Band Aid (2003) - 0:34 (USA)

Do they know it's christmas?

Client: VH1
Animation: Joel Veitch

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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junyr's picture

Nice. Never can remember who does the background song... Anyone here care to refresh my sloppy mind?

claymore's picture

Umm... it's in the post's title (starts with a "B").

junyr's picture

Didn't know Band Aid was a Band. My bad. And my embarassment.

claymore's picture

S'alrite. It's also a dandy adhesive bandage (if you add a dash and registered trademark-type mark), so I can understand the confusion.

junyr's picture

Happy Holidays everyone who sees this.

junyr's picture

Perhaps I won't embarassment myself with this question, but during this ad, what is being shown on the TV in the bottom left of the screen.

Robblink's picture

I believe the tiny TV is showing the original video. I can just make out Simon LeBon's hair!

Dabitch's picture

oh yeah it is! (and god i hate this song so much...

Kylie's picture

Band Aid was organized by Bob Geldof in 1984 to raise money for anti-famine relief in Ethopia; the list of artists included Sting, the late George Michael, Bono, Duran Duran and Boy George, to name a few. "Do They Know It's Christmas?" is an 80's classic, and remains one of my favorite holiday songs.

Dabitch's picture

My favorite holiday song is "Det är inte snön som faller" by Anders F Rönnblom - lol. The animation was on TV *once* in Sweden and everyone who saw it can sing the lyrics by heart, it was so strange and mesmerizing and the animation connects to the lyrics.

The only reason I hate the Band-Aid song is that it was played constantly on the two state-owned TV channels and the only three radio channels in Sweden that year, and to top it off my dad bought the album and put it on often. In short, I overdosed on it. :))