Cramer-Krasselt stealth Disco

What do the creatives of Chicago ad agency Cramer-Krasselt do when they are bored senseless? Stealth Disco.

obligatory Simpsons reference as instructions:

1) act natural while positioning yourself behind a co-worker

2) STEALTH DISCO like mad.

3) ?????


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Robblink's picture

That is incredibly funny! Hooray for Cramer-Krasselt creatives! May those dancing slackers never get the pink slip!

AnonymousCoward's picture

I know what I'm doing tomorrow........HA!

Dabitch's picture

hehe, I do that all day anyway.. Just didn't know there was a name for it . Stealth Disco masters, here I come! I rule at stealth disco!

deeped's picture
