The Logo is dead, long live the Logo

Dear fellow mourners,

If you wish to share your sorrow, please visit the book of condolences.

Logo RIP

Logo R.I.P is a commemoration of dead logotypes that have been withdrawn from the landscape, some we miss dearly, others died of old age.

Something for the Art Directors/Designers, logo lovers
and other brand-hags from The Stonetwins in Amsterdam.

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

I dunno about you folks , but i seriously love the pan am logo. No wait, lemme rephrase that.

It's the !

heh. ;)

James Trickery's picture


That is a great idea with the Logo Graveyard. I got all sentimental. *wipes away a single tear*

Dabitch's picture

yaknow I've been waiting years to crack that joke..hehe.. ;)
(....Wouldn't dare to fly with that bag today, I don't think they'd let me board....)

caffeinegoddess's picture

Cool site. Loads of goodies there.

Dabitch's picture

Makes me want to cry on Paul Rands grave....